Zigzag the Rocking Roadrunner comes to life through the author's voice and the
illustrator's creative visuals. Together they connect the zig zag path the protagonists
all take finding their role as members of the desert community. There are humorous
and stressful encounters between antagonists who need each other to survive. It is a
story that speaks to all animals learning about themselves. When a path to happiness
and success fades, follow another that leads to a better place. Friendship, loyalty and
perseverance can be a game changer for all animal dwellers. The author, Judy places herself in the story fulfilling a need she had as a child to not
only hear the voice of the author, but see her in the story. Another unexpected incident with a twist will surprise and put a smile on the reader's
face. Who knows what direction life will take or the role we play in it, unless we
introduce ourselves to "self".
Zigzag the Rocking Roadrunner
Judy O'Toole-Freel, Author Mirle Freel, Illustrator
40 pages, 8.5" x 8.5", paperback
Search by ISBN: 978-1-4626-5635-6

Enter Zigzags world and discover for yourself, a world filled with comical relief, personalities
not unlike our own, competition that tempers itself with negotiation, and a love that
embraces all creatures who inhabit a harsh and sometimes unforgiving desert. Zigzag the Rocking Roadrunner, is a story that dwellers from all walks of life will enjoy.
Anna Kline - Creative writer/poet and visual artist
J.C. Martin Review - "Arizona Daily Star Book Section" April 1, 2012.
"An imaginative story, nicely illustrated..."